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Webmaster, gets more money participating in affiliate programs

I have been a webmaster for more than 10 years. During this time I was engaged in many dating related projects and tried a lot of different affiliate programs. There are two myths about affiliate programs. Myth 1: affiliate program takes your visitors away and your web site starts losing popularity. It is not true. Visitors who like your site will never leave it. At least they will use both: your site and site of affiliate program. But the majority of internet users just surf from one site to the other. That’s why just make the outgoing traffic of your site work for you. Myth 2: All affiliate programs are the same. Many webmasters-beginners, who had first negative experience start thinking that affiliate programs are the same and are unprofitable in any case. It is also not true. It is very important to choose the right affiliate program exactly for your dating site. Now I am glad to introduce 3 affiliate programs for you. They may be used separately or together depending on the subject of your dating site.


If you have free dating site or adult dating site, this affiliate program is exactly for you. Passion is one of FriendFinder Network sites. Passion provides services to over 23 million members over the world! Passion offers 1-month, 3-month and 12-month memberships with rates from $9.95 to $149.95. They offer 3 ways to charge your commissions: Percentage Program (participating in this program you earn 35%…75% of the initial order, and then 35%...55% percent of any reoccurring orders, and as additional earn $0,30…$1,50 per free signup), Pay Per Click Program (in this program your payment is 0,05…$1,00 per click), Per Member Order (receive a flat fee of $90 dollars per order).

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